Houses you'll love to call "Home!"
We Buy Houses!
Available Rentals
Sorry, we are at 100% occupancy. Nothing is available at this time.
On our BLOG, we write about topics we think are interesting or useful to our tenants or to anyone who runs a household. Please visit our BLOG and join the contact list, and you will be one of the first to know when a property becomes available.
Send us your Leads
Decade Properties LLC is looking for houses, and we can close in as little as two weeks. If you need to get out from under a mortgage or need a quick sale, call us right away.
Know of a good deal? We pay for leads!
If you see a property that looks like it is vacant or no longer loved, send us the info and we will pay you $100 if we buy it.
We need the following information:
Your name and how to reach you (include phone #)
Full Address of available/vacant/unloved house
Owner's name & contact #, if you know it
Is this a house, commercial unit or land?
A photo of the property if possible. (Use the CHAT window below and click the Paperclip to attach a photo.)